The advice of Joke Hermsen

Did my working method change during the process?

Time management was needed. Better preparation of materials was necessary. And during painting and embroidering I had to invent new timesaving solutions. As simplifications in the image, less details. Acrylic brushstrokes became longer and lighter of colour.
And during embroidery, a slow technique, I had to calculate the time I would need to fill all the shapes. So if the time was too short, I had to determine which shapes I could not embroider and to decided which forms had the least effect on the overall look of the work.
I monitored the artwork continuously. 
I couldn't drop my attention for a second. No more time to linger!
Like Dutch philosopher Joke Hermsen tells in her book 'Stil de Tijd' about the consequences of our Staccato - culture and the side effects of our industrial Revolution.