The project is summarized in an installation. Four paintings are hung in the middle of a large round circle of carpet. Referring to the shape of a clock face and to my symbol of time. At one side is a large semicircular sofa with cushions where the visitor can take the time to compare the four textile paintings. Across the circle is a higher counter with four tablets. Here the visitor can view the PowerPoint presentation and film recordings made during the production process.
There is also a short 6-minute film documentary about the whole project.
Photo: Cityscape Foundation, exhibiton 'Space Time & Architecture' in Amsterdam 2017.
Sizes: textile paintings 35 x 25 cm, carpet 4,40 meter / counter 2,40 x 42 cm high 90 cm / bench 348 x 80cm high 43 cm / batten were the paintings attached are 243 cm.